For privacy and safety reasons, we cannot provide information on guests staying at the Mission. If you are looking for a missing person, please contact the police.
Guests are able to stay in our emergency shelter for 30 days, with the option to transfer into our extended stay opportunity. Our drop-in center, the Outreach, is available at any time, as needed.
The Mission provides direct services; we do not offer financial or rental assistance.
As part of our extended stay opportunity, guests will be asked to regularly meet with a casework coordinator to establish goals and have accountability as they work to transition out of homelessness and into independence.
The City Rescue Mission of Lansing was founded in 1911 as a Christian ministry that first meets spiritual needs. While we provide for physical needs for those coming to the Mission for services, we do ask guests to attend a brief, non-denominational, Christian chapel service. Christianity is not a requirement for services.
CLICK HERE for more information on the Christian faith as presented by the Bible.