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"I changed because of the Mission"

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Like too many in our community, “Andrea” became homeless due to an eviction. Also like many others, she was older and did not have needed family support. So she sought help at the City Rescue Mission of Lansing. Coming to a shelter is never an easy decision, but Andrea is grateful not only for the food and the shelter but especially for the hope.

“I changed because of the Mission,” she shares. “The Mission changed me.”

At the Mission, Andrea heard the message of the gospel and it offered her a sense of peace and purpose. She was very grateful to find more than just “helpers” at the Mission; she also found the atmosphere to be friendly and welcoming.

“I met a lot of friends,” she says.

Today, Andrea is meeting with a local agency who comes to the Mission to help guests find housing, as well as working with Mission staff to take the next steps toward independence. She is one of more than 1,500 individuals—women, children, and men—who have come to the Mission for food, shelter, and hope this year. For herself and for others, Andrea expresses her gratitude to our supporters, whose gifts, prayers, and volunteering meet needs and encourage those coming to the Mission.

Truly, the gifts that you send not only provide for essential services, they enable us to show and share the love of Christ through the love of our community. In the 113+ years the Mission has been meeting needs, hundreds of thousands have experienced this compassion in action.

You are part of a legacy of service in Michigan’s capital area. Please continue to pray as we seek to grow to provide more services in the years to come. There are more individuals like Andrea, who need a safe haven, and we often operate at capacity.

For more on our expansion project, see the update on page three of this newsletter, visit the project page on our website (, or call us at 517.485.0145. Thank you for all you do for those we serve. Thank you for being a rescuer!

“We Believe”

message from mark

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work...” John 4:34

Recently, there was an opinion piece that accused me of lying to our residents and neighbors. The writer claimed I hide the fact that we are a Christian organization, that “Our main purpose is actually the gospel and sharing the good news of Christ, and our second is the food and shelter.” It is quite ironic because I believe most of this opinion piece “hit the nail on the head.” This statement regarding our “main purpose” is absolutely true, but my goal has always been to celebrate rather than hide this truth. I don’t know why this person didn’t spend a few minutes on our web page in order to find our vision statement: “To bring the lost to the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish believers in the Christian faith.” It also becomes pretty evident that the way in which we accomplish this goal is to “meet physical needs for Food and Shelter to bring those with spiritual needs the Hope that is found in Jesus Christ” (also shared on the website). We do believe and testify that God provides through His people. It has been that way for 113 years.

I do believe that our goal as a ministry is to be in the will of God by focusing on things that are eternal. It seems that Jesus’ entire desire and purpose was sustained through following the will of God the Father in order to “accomplish His work.” I pray and hope that this ministry of rescue in the shadows of Michigan’s capitol will only find its purpose and life in the proclamation of the good news that “Jesus Saves.” In this same context, Jesus compassionately proclaims to His disciples, “Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes and see that the fields are white for harvest” (John 4:35). Although others came before the disciples and shared the truth with the Samaritans, it was the disciples who witnessed the fruit of salvations. Others labored before them but they were witnessing the fruit of repentance and faith. I don’t expect this to ever change at the City Rescue Mission of Lansing during or after my lifetime. We sometimes see people come to faith in Jesus Christ and we see some incredible fruit. There are times that people have gone away seemingly untouched by the Good News. However, what "seems" is not what is true. Visible now or not, they were eternally impacted by the love of Christ that compels us to serve others and to tell them that “Jesus Saves.” God changes hearts and brings a mighty harvest in His time. Oh what great words: “lift up your eyes and see!”

Thank you for helping us help others. Thank you for knowing where and how you give “to accomplish His work,” right here in Michigan’s capital area. Thank you for being a rescuer!

To God Be the Glory,
Mark Criss
Executive Director


rescue news

Some of you have expressed questions regarding financing for the new project. As many of you know, there is a great need for more shelter services in our area. As we have been trying to expand for some years now, the decision was made to raise funds while we work on the project, necessitating a sizable loan, totaling $6 million for the purchase of the building and for construction. Unfortunately, continued increases in construction material and labor costs resulted in having to roll the project out in two phases. The first phase includes needed architectural and construction permits, as well as renovation of the 415 building and a new 7,024 square foot addition to hold bathrooms and showers (needing increased and improved water, sewer, air flow, electrical, fire suppression, etc.).

Phase One and the cost to purchase the property estimates to be a total of $8.6 million, with 22.36% already paid from current funding. Potential funding from grants (applied for), the appropriation for costs to move the Mission from Michigan Avenue (mentioned in last month’s newsletter), and the sale of our Michigan Avenue property could bring 46.51% of funding, leaving a remaining 22.83% to be raised (not including interest costs). However, these are only possible funding sources, so we do ask for your prayer and, as you are able, financial support, not only to pay off debt for Phase One but also to finish Phase Two, which will bring the total capacity at this location to 300 single adults.

Current Staffing Needs

team rescue

Overnights at the Outreach and more: Our ministry serves mainly during the evening and overnight hours, and we could use help at our drop-in center (the Outreach), men’s shelter, and women and children’s shelter. We can accommodate those looking to serve even as little as one night a week.

Meals at the Men’s Shelter: This is a great need! We are looking for help overseeing the evening meal at our men’s shelter.

Case Manager at the Men’s Shelter: The case manager’s main role is coming alongside guests to help navigate their stay at the Mission, as well as providing needed information to aid their progress toward independence.

For more information on these and other opportunities, please visit or call 514.485.0145.

Cowboy Caviar

volunteer spotlight

Family Size: 8 Servings
1 (15.5 ounce) can Black Beans, drained
1 (15.5 ounce) can Black-Eyed Peas, drained
1 (14.5 ounce) can Diced Tomatoes, drained
2 cups frozen Corn kernels, thawed
1/2 medium Onion, diced
1/2 medium Green Bell Pepper, finely chopped
1/4 cup chopped Pickled Jalapeño Peppers
1/2 teaspoon Garlic Salt
1 cup Italian Salad Dressing
1/2 cup chopped Cilantro

Mission Size: 160 Servings
20 (15.5 ounce) cans Black Beans, drained
20 (15.5 ounce) cans Black-Eyed Peas, drained
20 (14.5 ounce) cans Diced Tomatoes, drained
40 cups frozen Corn kernels, thawed
10 medium Onions, diced
10 medium Green Bell Peppers, finely chopped
5 cups chopped Pickled Jalapeño Peppers
6 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons Garlic Salt
1 gallon and 4 cups Italian Salad Dressing
10 cups chopped Cilantro

Directions: Combine all ingredients and chill before serving. Use as a dip for Tortilla Chips. (Personal recommendation: Fritos© or similar style corn chips)